
Showing posts from January, 2025

Media Paper 1 mock exam - Learner response

Here, we need to closely analyse our performance across each question in  Paper 1  and identify specific ways we will improve for the real exam on  Monday 19 May (PM) . Complete the following  learner response  tasks in a new blogpost on your Media  Exam Blog  called 'Paper 1 mock exam learner response': 1) Type up any  feedback  in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW: Muhammed, good moments of knowledge e.g. media terminology for Q5.1/ 5.2 and overall sound knowledge of named CSPs in this paper.  EBI: Think you need to ensure you are addressing the Q's for the 20-mark Q's could you do a quick plan? Unsure if you took your extra time - as Q4 felt quite short. Mark: 36/84 Grade - D  Now  re ad through the genuine AQA mark scheme . This is vital as the paper was an official exam paper and therefore the mark scheme tells us a lot about what AQA are expecting us to produce. 2) Write a  qu...

Horizon Forbidden West: Language and Representation

  Language Introduction Read  this review of Horizon Forbidden West in the Financial Times  (should be non-paywalled but you can  read the text of article here if needed ). Answer the following questions: 1) Why does Guerrilla Games have 'a serious case of bad timing'?  Guerrilla Games have 'a serious case of bad timing' as when they released the first ever Horizon Zero Dawn it was overshadowed by Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which launched a week later and turned out to be an all-time gaming great. Now just as it delivers an excellent sequel, Horizon Forbidden West, another phenomenon arrives on its heels to suck away all the oxygen, Elden Ring.  2) What is the narrative for the original game Horizon Zero Dawn?  The narrative for the original game Horizon Zero Dawn is that the games take place a thousand years after rampaging machines have wiped out most of humanity. Survivors have clustered into tribal communities who view relics of technology as objec...

Women and videogames: blog tasks

  Part 1: Background reading on Gamergate Read  this Guardian article on Gamergate 10 years on . Answer the following questions: 1) What was Gamergate?  Gamergate was a conspiracy theory of a game developer’s aggrieved ex-boyfriend publishing a vindictive screed accusing her of trading sex for favourable reviews of her indie game. This was leapt upon by the least savoury corner of the 2014 internet, 4chan, and kicked off a harassment campaign that broadened to include all women working in video game development or the gaming press, as well as the industry’s LGBTQ+ community  2) What is the recent controversy surrounding narrative design studio Sweet Baby Inc?  The recent controversy surrounding narrative design Sweet Baby Inc is that a group with more than 200,000 followers on PC games storefront Steam, as well as thousands in a Discord chat channel, believes that Sweet Baby Inc is secretly forcing game developers to change the bodies, ethnicities and sexua...

The Sims FreePlay CSP - Language & Representations

  Language / Gameplay analysis Watch The Sims: FreePlay trailer and answer the following questions: 1) What elements of gameplay are shown? Elements of gameplay that is shown in The Sims: FreePlay trailer is how you can build your own life and live it virtually in the Sims world. You can customise, build your own house, get jobs and earn money. The elements of gameplay that are shown is how you it imitates real life and how you can through your own Sim live it virtually like a real life simulator.  2) What audience is the trailer targeting? This game is targeting young people mainly young teenagers who are growing up in life. This is because through the trailer we can see how they keep showing young people socialising with other Sims, going to parties and even forming relationships with other Sims i.e. kissing. his all helps to show what a stereotypical young teenage person would go through in life whilst growing up.   3) What audience pleasures are suggested by the ...

The Sims FreePlay CSP - Audience and Industries blog tasks

  Audience Read  this App Store description and the customer reviews for The Sims FreePlay  and answer the following questions:   1) What game information is provided on this page? Pick out three elements you think are important in terms of making the game appeal to an audience. The game information that is provided on the App Store page is a short description of how the gameplay will be like such as c reate your story, your way. Build your virtual town, family and life! Design and decorate dream homes that show off your interior design skills and personal style. Expand your Sim Town and watch your community grow as you earn more Simoleons. The three most important elements of making the Sims FreePlay appeal to an audience is being able to let you create, customize and build your own city and Sims character in Sims as you are the one who is in charge of it and no one else.  2) How does the game information on this page reflect the strong element of participatory...