
Showing posts from February, 2025

Videogames: Final index

Videogames: Final index 1 )  Videogames: Henry Jenkins - fandom and participatory culture 2)  Videogames: The Sims FreePlay - Language & Representation 3)  Videogames: The Sims FreePlay - Audience & Industries 4)  Learner response: OSP assessment 5)  Videogames: Women in videogames &  Further feminist theory 6)  Videogames: Horizon Forbidden West - Language & Representations 7)  Videogames: Horizon Forbidden West - Audience & Industries  

Horizon Forbidden West: Audience and Industry

  Audience Look at  this YouGov blog on the console gaming audience  and answer the following questions: 1) What statistics can you find for the number of male / female players for the major consoles? Statistics that I can find for the number of males that play on the PS5 is a significant amount more compared to females (71%-29%), Xbox (68%-32%) but for playing on a Nintendo Switch it is almost at an evenly spilt between males and females at 54% for males and 46% for females.  2) What is the difference between 'hardcore' and 'casual' gamers - and which do you think would play Horizon Forbidden West? The difference between 'hardcore' and 'casual' gamers is for 'hardcore' gamers these are people who say they take video games seriously, or play competitively meanwhile 'casual' gamers are people who just play video games to have fun and pass time by. Since HFW is a PlayStation 5 game I would say that this game is meant for 'hardcore' ...

OSP assessment learner response

  1) Type up your feedback in  full  (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this  confidential). WWW *Good analysis in relation to Reception theory for: oppositional and negotiated readings. *Relevant points raised on how both OSP CSP's are constructed through representation.    EBI *More developed analysis for preferred reading. *Your essay is lacking in how both  2) Read  the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully . Identify  three  specific aspects from Figure 1 (the Google Home advert) that you could have mentioned in your answer (e.g. selection of image, framing and focus, colour, text etc.) Dominant readings - Positions the Google Home device as at the heart of aspirational family life. Oppositional readings - Google presenting its smart speaker as a ‘natural’ part of home life will be strongly rejected by audiences concerned with data, privacy and the power technology companies such as G...

Paper 2 mock exam: Learner response

  Paper 2 mock exam: Learner response 1) Type up your  feedback  in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW: Lots of potential here, particularly in Q4. Now you need to reach that level in every question. EBI: Question focus is the big one. Revise the CSPs/ statistics/ examples to provide more depth to your paragraphs.  Mark: 32 Grade: D 2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your  target grade  for A Level Media in this paper? If not, how many additional marks do you need to achieve your target grade in Paper 2? I did not succeed in meeting my target grade for this A Level Media paper as my target grade is a C and I got one below that which was a D. Since I got 32 out of 84 marks in Paper 2 I was 8 marks off from getting a C in this paper.  These are the grade boundaries we've used, based on real AQA exam grade boundaries (out of 84):   A* = 70; A = 62; B = 51; C = 40; D = 30; E = 20. Now  read thr...