Reading an image - media codes


1) Analyse this RBK 50 Cent advert using the media codes you learned in the lesson: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Write a paragraph for each one exploring the way meanings are created using those media codes.

Technical codes
The use of the close up shot  of 50 Cent's face shows the look of seriousness and determination as he is looking straight at the camera and looking at his audience which shows direct address. The use of the low key lighting represents that we can't see much of 50 Cent's face in the image which can show mysteriousness and secrecy as in the picture he doesn't give much away. The use of the black and white filter on 50 Cent's face can connote that he's having a flashback of his past and reminiscing on what happened.

Written or verbal codes
The use of the anchorage text such as all the o's being coloured in can connote some background of 50 Cents life as all the o's that are coloured in is the amount of times he's been shot in his life. The use of the slogan "I am what I am" which is in a serif font clearly emphasises that where 50 Cent's comes from he could've been treated with respect and was highly respected by his people.

Symbolic or non-verbal codes
The use of the mise-en-scene (Actor) for the fingerprints in the image connotes that they could be linked to 50 Cent and can show that they are a part of his identity as in the anchorage text he says "Where I am, from there is no plan B. So, take advantage of today because tomorrow is not promised." Which we could analyse and say that due to him having to have his fingerprints taken could show that he might've been involved in things he shouldn't have been which could show that police might've been involved in his life which connotes that if someone gets arrested and ends up going prison there is no coming back from it. The use of the font such as the slogan on one side saying "I am" with the image of 50 Cent's face and then there being a spilt screen filter in the image and on the other side there being a photo of 50 Cent's fingerprints with the rest of the slogan saying "what I am" could show that 50 Cent's is trying to change himself and become a better person as he might've been a different person in the past but is on his way for the future trying to change himself for the better.

Narrative codes
The use of the enigma codes in the image such as the facial expression shown on 50 Cent's face can make the audience question why he's looking so serious in the image and what caused him to look so serious. Furthermore, the use of his anchorage text can make his audience think deeper about him about why he's saying that and why are all the o's coloured in. 

2) Next, analyse a print advert of your choice using the same media codes: 
Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Make sure you add your chosen print advert using the 'Add image' button in blogger (use Google Images to find the advert first and save it to your pictures or downloads).

For both adverts, remember to put media language in bold or highlight/colour it. 

When writing any media analysis, always ask yourself key questions: What meanings are being created for the audience? How? Who do you think is the target audience for this product and what effect might the product have on that audience? How does it address/attract that audience? What are the deeper connotations created by the media language choices in the product and do they reflect aspects of culture, society or ideology?

Technical codes
The use of the close up shot of the woman's face shows the look of beauty on the left side of her face and how she's looking straight at the camera and looking at her audience which shows direct address whereas on the right side of her face the use of the juxtaposition between how beautiful she's looking in the left side of her face to her right side which is all old and wrinkly shows the contrasting difference between young and old. Furthermore, in the advert, in the woman's hands is an cigarette which is lit with smoke going all over her face which could create meaning to the audience that smoking is bad for you as it could ruin your health and how you look. The use of the high key lighting on the woman's face emphasises that all the attention is on her as we can clearly see her face in great detail and how difference she looks on one side compared to the other. The use of the smoke editing by making it clearly go all over the woman's face showing a difference side to her face clearly shows that this might be her future if she carries on smoking which could cause her to ruin her beauty and looks.

Written or verbal codes
The use of the slogan "Your beauty, Up in smoke" connotes to the audience the link between the woman and the text as it shows her smoking and ruining her health and destroying the beauty of her face. The text can also show that it's giving a warning to their audience that if you don't stop smoking your life might turn into like the woman and you'll lose all your looks and turn all old and wrinkly. 

Symbolic or non-verbal codes   
The use of the mise-en-scene (props)  for the woman holding the cigarette could mean that the audience should be thinking about it and how harmful it is to us human beings also the use of the high key lighting  on the woman's face connotes that we can see her face clearly and how glossy her lips are on the left side of her face whereas on the right side of her face her lips are all cracked and dried up.

Narrative codes
The use of the the
enigma codes in the advert such as the smoke going across the woman's face making her look all old and ugly can make the audience question that will she ever give up smoking if she knew what the outcome of her face will be like in the future to come. The use of the action codes such as the cigarette in the woman's hand could be a sign to the audience that if they don't stop smoking this could be their outcome and that they should stop straight away from smoking as it's harmful and dangerous to our bodies.  


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