Collective identity and representing ourselves: blog tasks
Task 1: Media Magazine article Read the Media Magazine article on collective identity: Self-image and the Media (MM41 - page 6). Our Media Magazine archive is here . Complete the following tasks on your blog: 1) Read the article and summarise each section in one sentence, starting with the section 'Who are you?' Who are you? - We have complex ideas about ourselves; there is a difference between the person we think we are, the person we want to be and the person we want to be seen to be. I think, therefore I am - Our identity would have been based around aspects of our lives that were constructed outside of our selves; class, religion, gender and the predetermined roles that were part of the accident of the family we were born into. The rise of the individual - Dominant values help shape how we see ourselves; and by the late 1960's and 1970's the notion of individualism began to take hold. During the second half of the 20th century, people began defining themselv...