
Showing posts from August, 2024

Media Paper 1 learner response

  Y12 exam - Media Paper 1: Learner response Create a new blogpost on your Media  Exam blog  called ' Media Paper 1 learner response ' and work through the following tasks: 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW: Muhammed, good knowledge of all named CSPs in this paper. Some knowledge of subject terminology. EBI: Not enough depth, detail or critical evaluation to the CSP's in this paper. Mark: 24/42 Grade: C  2) Read  the mark scheme for this exam carefully , paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best analysis you can do as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify  ONE  point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A: Q1 (unseen text) additional point/theory:  The typography on the advert is all sans serif, offering connotations of a more youthful,  modern brand. The fact the campaig

The Gentlewoman: Audience and Industries

  1) Media Magazine feature: Pleasures of The Gentlewoman Go to  our Media Magazine archive  and read the article on The Gentlewoman (MM84 - page 34). Answer the following questions: 1) What does the article suggest is different about the Gentlewoman compared to traditional women's magazines?  Its minimalist covers are so completely different that it’s actually shocking. The only text is the title, subtitle and name of the person in the photograph, which is taken as a portrait and framed like a painting. It’s a bold statement that says this is more than just a magazine, this is art. In case it wasn’t different enough, the masthead is in lower case! Compared with Vogue, Elle or Cosmopolitan, the gentlewoman has no need to shout. 2) What representations are offered in the Gentlewoman?   Representation in the gentlewoman is pleasingly wide ranging. the gentlewoman does a pretty good job of presenting a spectrum of womanhood (it may not surprise anyone to hear that the vast majority of

The Gentlewoman: Language and Representation blog tasks

  Close-textual analysis Work through the following tasks to complete your close-textual analysis of the Gentlewoman   CSP pages: Gentlewoman front cover  1) What do the typefaces used on the front cover suggest to an audience? The typefaces such as the masthead which spells out "the gentlewoman" which is all spelt in lower case sans-serif typography reflects the modern look and reflects the values and attitudes of their magazine which can suggest to an audience that they are different to other magazine covers and don't want to follow how traditional magazines are shown.  2) How does the cover subvert conventional magazine cover design? One way how the gentlewoman cover magazine design is different to other stereotypical magazine covers is that this magazine does not have any cover lines which is a unconventional cover design to have on a magazine as they are normally filled with lots of short text information about what you'll be able to read inside the magazine. Thi

GQ - Audience & Industries blog tasks

  Audience Look through  the GQ Media Kit  and answer the following questions:  1) How does the media kit introduction describe GQ? Entering a new era of leadership and influence under Adam Baidawi, GQ explores the powerful and progressive new forces shaping culture, society and commerce in Britain. Building on a 33-year legacy of print excellence across journalism, photography and design, British GQ is today also a digital, social, video and experiential powerhouse – a community where people gather to be inspired and exchange ideas around style, creativity and culture. 2) What does the media kit suggest about masculinity?  As masculinity evolves and men's fashion has moved to the centre of the global pop-culture conversation, GQ's authority has never been broader or stronger. 3) Pick out  three  statistics from the data on page 2 and explain what they suggest about the GQ audience. 1.8M - SOCIAL FOLLOWERS. This means that GQ have a strong following with lots of people interest