Media Paper 1 learner response

 Y12 exam - Media Paper 1: Learner response

Create a new blogpost on your Media Exam blog called 'Media Paper 1 learner response' and work through the following tasks:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

WWW: Muhammed, good knowledge of all named CSPs in this paper. Some knowledge of subject terminology.

EBI: Not enough depth, detail or critical evaluation to the CSP's in this paper.

Mark: 24/42
Grade: C 

2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best analysis you can do as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A:

Q1 (unseen text) additional point/theory: The typography on the advert is all sans serif, offering connotations of a more youthful, modern brand. The fact the campaign encourages the audience to make this product their “first Swiss watch” reinforces the feel this is aimed at slightly younger professional men perhaps at the start of a lucrative career.

Q2 (unseen text and CSP) additional point/theory/CSP reference: Applying van Zoonen: building on Butler, van Zoonen argues sex role stereotypes are reinforced by the media and this advert emphasises male power, wealth and professional success.

Q3 (music video) additional point/theory/CSP reference: Aspects of the video seem designed to be clipped for social media, particularly TikTok. The breaking of the song into sections interspersed with narrative is perfect for social media alongside celebrity cameos throughout and the girl in ‘2019 Old Town Road’ dancing while being filmed. This explicitly references TikTok – plus Lil Nas X posing for photos at the end of the video seems to reference Instagram. This reflects the superficial nature of modern online culture rather than an ideological stance.

3) Now focus on Section B. Section B began with two questions testing your knowledge of industry terminology. Make sure you know the answers to these (get the answers from the mark scheme if you have to):

Benefits of vertical integration: Greater control of long-term debt restructuring, Lower costs and higher profits. 

Definition and benefits of diversification: When a industry opens up and tries new and different creative ideas to help boost their business such as employing more Asian or Black people so they can understand more about their culture and how they can attract new audiences with it. 

4) The Section B CSP focus was on Blinded By The Light. The impact of new technology on distribution was a weaker area in most answers. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you could have included in your answer here.

*The internet has brought significant challenges to the industry in the form of illegal downloading and file sharing. The global nature of the media industry in the digital age also means more synchronised release dates so films are not leaked or illegally downloaded in territories the film is yet to be released in.

*New streaming sites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime are increasingly influential players in the film industry despite their relative youth compared to giants of the entertainment industry such as Disney.

*Social media posts for the film supported the Black Lives Matter movement which helped tap into the anti-racism narrative in the film. This demonstrates how new technology allows media products and companies to connect with audiences over ideological or political issues.

5) Finally, identify three things you plan to revise before your next Media assessment or mock exam (e.g. terminology, particular theories or CSPs etc.)

I seriously need to make flashcards as I need to know the media theorists off by heart so I can achieve the grades I want to get. 

I need to make sure I submit all my blog work on time and I don't have to play catch up so it gives me more revision time.

I need to be able to balance out my time more efficiently as I have an unbalanced schedule so I need to work on time management. 


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